Content correlations discovery ============================== Automated content-standard link discovery (a.k.a content correlations). Task CS definition ------------------ Given a subset of the content collections (imports from OER content repositories) and a subset of curriculum standards statements (as set of standard nodes), discover which content nodes are relevant for each standard node. **Inputs**: content subset `cc1[subset1]` and standards subset `dx[subsetdx]`, where `cc1` is some ROC data content collections, and `dx` is some ROC document. **Outputs**: ContentStandardNodeRelation list: `[(ca, cskind, sx), ...]` consisting of content-to-standard links of type `csking` between subset of standards and the subset of content nodes specified in the input. Data ---- The following relevant ROC data is available for use with this task: - Data from `ContentCollection`s that consist of `ContentNode` trees. There exist **O(100k)** content nodes organized into content collections like `khanadademy-en`, `kolibri-channel-ck12`, `kolibri-channel-ghana-math`, etc. Each content node has a title, description, source_url, and other metadata. - Data from `StandardsDocument`s that consist of `StandardNode` trees. There exist **O(10)** jurisdictions (Brazil, Ghana, Honduras, Kenya, UK, USA, Zambia) for which curriculum standards documents are available in machine-readable form and within each jurisdiction **O(10)** standards documents, with each document containing **O(100)** standard nodes. Each standard node has a description (str) that specifies a particular set of competencies expected of learners for a given grade level, within a particular academic subject. Standard nodes can be folder-like (intermediate levels of the hierarchy) or a atomic statements (leaf nodes). - Existing content correlations `ContentCorrelation`s that consist of multiple content-to-standard links (`ContentStandardRelation`s) available in several jurisdictions (e.g. Khan Academy (`KA`) and Learning Equality `LE`). Evaluation metrics ------------------ The "objective quality" of the output can be measured using precision and recall metrics evaluated against the "ground truth" content correlations produced by human experts (curriculum experts, librarians, and educators) for same task of identifying relevant correlations between content collection subset `cc1[subset1]` and standards document subset `dx[subsetdx]`: - **Precision**: what proportion of the `[(ca, cskind, sx), ...]` in the output were also identifier by human experts for same task. - **Recall**: what proportion of the `[(ca, cskind, sx), ...]` identified by human experts are present in the output. Challenges ---------- The problem of discovering correlated learning resources for standard nodes is complicated by the following nuances of the task: - A vocabulary gap exists between the language used in standard node descriptions and the language used in educational resources titles and descriptions. Standard node descriptions tend to be short, high-level abstract statements about what students should know, do, understand, etc. whereas learning resources use language relevant for concrete instances of these skills. This difference in conceptual level of the text descriptions makes it difficult to find commonalities between standard and resource when using "keyword match" techniques (same problem exists for manual alignment efforts based on search). - Determining the "alignment" between a learning resource and a curriculum standard is a nuanced, context-dependent, and multi-faceted process. The catalogers working on content correlations must: - (S) know the curriculum standards, the cultural and pedagogical context of the teachers and learners who are the target users of the aligned-content - (C) know the content resources content, topics, and pedagogical approach, in order to make a correct judgement about the relevance and usefulness of each content resource to the target curriculum standards and educational context. The need for this "deep checks" for each content node is partially what makes the curriculum alignment task so time consuming.