Kolibri Studio channel content collections ========================================== [Kolibri Studio](https://kolibri-studio.readthedocs.io/) is a general purpose editor for Kolibri channels, which allows curriculum designers and educators to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute the educational learning resources available in the [Kolibri Content Library](https://catalog.learningequality.org/). Kolibri Studio is often used to for curriculum alignment of learning resources, by re-organizing them into a folder structure (topics and subtopics) that matches the structure of local curriculum standards in a given country. The structure of content of a Studio channels is similar to the information available in a [Kolibri database](./kolibri_db.md), but contains additional information about content provenance (where was the content was imported form), and `source_domain` and `source_id` properties for each content node, and `source_url` fields for each file.