Controlled vocabulary terms =========================== Can be loaded using individual commands like: ./ createjurisdiction --name Global --display_name "Global Terms" --language "en" ./ loadterms data/terms/ContentRelationKinds.yml but too numerous... Instead load using fab command: fab load_terms which will create all relevant jurisdictions and load all controlled vocabularies from the corresponding GitHub repositories. See `` source code for details. Examples terms YAML data ------------------------ - [Global:ContentStandardRelationKinds.yml]( - [Ghana:GradeLevels.yml]( Create controlled vocabularies and terms ---------------------------------------- 1. Create GitHub repo where you will store the data. 2. Add folder called `terms/` in the repo. 3. Add YAML data file in format similar to the examples shown above. You can now use the command `./ loadterms ` to import the controlled vocabulary data into your local `rocserver` instance, where `` is the full path of the "raw" file hosted on GitHub. Uploading controlled vocabularies and terms using a spreadsheet --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Prepare data using the spreadsheet template TODOLINK 2. Upload data using the form at TODOLINK 3. Verify and review uploaded data was correctly parsed and validated. Go back to step 1 if something doesn't look right. 4. Change status to `publicdraft` so other users will be able to view the data.