Publishing ========== Publishing context ------------------ When exporting data, external resources are identified by their `canonical_uri`. The `uri` and `canonical_uri` for internal URIs is computed depending on the "publishing context" for the jurisdiction, which determines the appropriate hostname for URIs. The different publishing contexts are described below. ### Default publishing context The publishing context `default` corresponds to current hostname, which is determined dynamically at request time. Usually `http://localhost:8000` or ``. ### Standards server The publishing context `rocserver` corresponds to the hostname: ``. ### Github pages The publishing context `githubpages` with can be used when the official data source for a given jurisdiction is published to a github pages website. ### The publishing context `` is used to assign URIs that start with hostname `` which in turn redirect to another server or github page. For maximum flexibility, `` URIs will be used as canonical URIs. See for more info about the redirect service. When creating the export (static site generator mode), the hostname for URIs is determined by [HOST headers]( by the HTTP client and may need to be manually modified. Publishing settings ------------------- The publishing context name is controlled by the `settings.ROCDATA_PUBLISHING_CONTEXT`, which in turn is set from the ENV variable `ROCDATA_PUBLISHING_CONTEXT`, or set to the default value `default`. The dictionary `settings.ROCDATA_PUBLISHING_CONTEXTS` provides data for all each publishing context. Publishing context API ---------------------- The helper method `standards.publishing.get_publshing_context` returns the dictionary containing the info like this: ```python { "scheme": "https", "netloc": "", "path_prefix": "/rocdata", } ``` The helper function `standards.publishing.build_absolute_uri(path, publishing_context=None, request=None)` can be used to obtain the absolute URI of for any path `path`, in the publishing context `publishing_context` (if not provided, the default publishing context is used). The keyword argument `request` is required for the default context.